Mailing Machines

Are you tired of making time-consuming trips to the post office? Do you want to project a more professional company image?

Our range of postage meters takes care of all your business mail needs. Whether you send just a little mail or lots, there is a convenient and cost-effective option to suit you.

Postbase 130

Dynamic, powerful, exceptional
Exceptional PostBase 130 Mailing Machine, with dynamic weighing option specifically designed for business.

Flexible Configuration
PostBase 130 was developed with your business in mind, with flexible options from dynamic weighing to powerful accounting software, the PostBase 130 Mailing Machine can adapt quickly to your growing needs and is highly connectable. Powerful, exceptional PostBase 130.

Accurate Dynamic Weighing
Our PostBase 45, and 60 Mailing Machines can offer you the option of an automatic feeder, PostBase 130 takes this one step further by offering a dynamic weighing option, weighing every letter as it is franked through the system, just simply stack your mail onto PostBase 130 and let the system do the rest. Automatic dynamic weighing, simple and fast.

Label Dispenser
The built-in label dispenser makes sending thicker mail and packages convenient. Weigh the package on the scale and press print label. It’s as simple as that.


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